I voted in my first election in 1987. I studied the politics of each candidate up to the Minnesota state level. After that, I 'threw my vote away' on the third party candidate most likely (or least unlikely) to get into federal politics. Why? I figured that for a candidate to get that far in national politics, they had to be completely out of touch with their constituents, salivating for power over relevancy.
The next year, I was able to experience a full-on election in Denmark where they had something like a dozen parties in play in the election.
I openly admit that I am unqualified to say this is right, because I pay most of my attention to local and global issues (where the real action is . . . bypassing the political stock market that is national politics. Seriously, my own deal).
That's why I pose this as a question.
I was earnestly shocked to see Freshjive issue this shirt. I'm a fan of Shepard Fairey, and Freshjive and my friends who were completely sold on Obama in the past election.
I post this only because I'm curious. What the hell happened? I'm admittedly oblivious.
This seems like a really drastic statement.
Post. Educate me. Please. I just want to understand.
(caveat #2: I'll still vote the same as I always have, so don't try to sway me.)
It's too obtuse a message to hit home with anybody, I think; a rightist type would maybe go for something harsh, but more likely to go for an "I told you so" message. Is this for lefties who're souring on their one time love, B.O? About his public option pussitude, or the troop increase? Maybe, but that's a huge concession to make. No one pays money to advertise how wrong they were.
They're all sociopaths, anyhow...
Two possibilities:
Someone designer who couldn't restrain his/her cleverness (see under einstein and the atom bomb)
Disappointment that the elected official is not a comic book character who can immediately bend the other branches of government to his will.
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