Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My first hand-knit QR code

Want to find out the data?

1. Get a QR code scanner on your iphone or android based smart phone

2. you can use the scanner to scan the knit piece (or even this photo) and it will give you or take you immediately to the link.

3. It's totally worth it.


Mark said...

1. NeoReader foy Symbian (Nokia) phones also works.

2. yes, it was so worth it.

Mindy said...

That looks really cool! You can make it into a cushion or a bag, nice one!

SallyF said...

Holly Mayor, may I invite you to join the QR-3D project? Created entirely for folks like you (or maybe 'us') - http://qr-3d.weebly.com/

Say you'll join in? QRr + textiles, what's not to love?