Friday, February 04, 2011

Kahn Ice Gardens - The story of a homemade backyard ice rink

Late Night Skate from Joshua Kahn on Vimeo.

What do people in Minnesota do in the long cold winters? They dream shit up. Then they build it. This is the story of my pal Joshua Kahn's homemade backyard ice rink. Now keep in mind, this thing is in his backyard in Typical Suburbia, USA. Also, note that we've had 60 inches of snow this year. Look at the quality of that ice!

I'd like to say that this is a unique project, but it's not, these things pop up all over the Twin Cities Area. Still, Josh's rink is pretty incredible. The sophistication grows every year, like lights embedded below the ice to create the scrimmage lines and a homebuilt push Zamboni. I know Josh has been tinkering with an Arduino controlled scoreboard as a future enhancement. Nice!

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